To convey with that by taking the experience of 10 years journey and time of creating our ITI website, we have come up with the innovative idea of Digital ITI at Government ITI Mandvi, Surat,Gujarat. Started the online attendance system of the trainees from 1 Aug 2019 in system the attendance of the trainees through online Android App by Trade Supervisor Instructor after Trade training is completed and automatic send SMS to absent trainee to parents mobile no from the system.
Mr. B S Gamit Sir (principal of Govt ITI Mandvi) and his team through this innovative idea Supervisor Instructor for the purpose of paper less work and faster work. Till the day all the supervisory instructors of ITI have completed the online attendance of all the trainees of batch through mobiles.
Digital ITI's system does include a trainee's online attendance system. In this system, a trainee can also view his profile through the Android App and view his presence as well as get the latest news or suggestions from his trade or inform latest updates of ITI through notification.
The Supervisor Instructor will be able to share the material online with the trainee and the trainee will be able to see and get the update through the Android App.
The placement module of the trainee who has passed in this system is also taken and at the same time the trainee will be able to get the news of the placement through Android app and will be able to inform online why the placement is to be present.
In this system, the supervisor instructor will be able to demand the require material of his trade through his store online.
Thus all the above matters are included in the digital ITI system and through this system paper less work in ITI and exchange of quick information through the system to the principal, supervisor instructor by departments.
If you want to know more about this system, we have sent a file with a message in which all the information of the system is given, but you need to know some details.please contact to us.